As part of a recently concluded event series by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata in collaboration with Jadavpur University, Lessons from Germany’s Past: Fascism as a Historical Experience, PeaceWorks was invited to hold the Anne Frank: A History for Today exhibition. The exhibition, as per the project’s format, was preceded by a 2-day workshop (28–29 October 2022)…

The Idea of Belonging - edition 2
Belonging is a multifaceted concept. In the context of India’s diverse landscape, belonging takes on added complexity. What exactly does it mean to feel like one belongs?
Read more here
Anne Frank: A History for Today
A project that challenges participants to think about concepts of tolerance, learning to live with difference, human rights and democracy through an international travelling exhibition, workshops and educational activities that encourage critical thinking.
Anne Frank-A History for Today
Dialogue for Peace
Through workshops that involve the use of the arts Dialogue for Peace – The Kashmir Project aims to address the need to bridge the divide between young people across socio political barriers—encouraging them to question mindsets and work towards strengthening inter community ties.
Dialogue for PeacePeaceWorks. Everyday resistance that will eventually make us good human beings.
PeaceWorks. Yes. Certainly more than, say, war, conflict, violence, destruction. Think about it. See the world around you. On your TV and your laptop and your mobile. The more the news hits you, the more numb and disinterested you get. After all, you say, how much can you take? At Seagull, we decided to do something about it. We chose the arts as our ‘tool’ of communication. The core idea being: hey, we need to live with difference and allow it the same space to breathe that we, us, ourselves demand. That’s it.
Share Stories Open Minds
Storytelling is one of humanity's oldest art forms and an enduring educational method. Stories can spark social change. Since ancient times ideas and values embedded in stories have educated, inspired and motivated listeners—and this is exactly what our volunteers do for the Nabadisha children. After 8 years of reaching out to over 2000 children and helping them better negotiate the differences rooted in our society, we now wish to restructure the project into a year long internship programme. If you have a passion for telling stories and have 2–4 hours to spare every week, call us today at 24556942/43 or write to |
This was the first session of the series. Prior to the session, we had sent two prompts/ questions to each participant school which they were to discuss in the form of a short presentation drawing from the Anne Frank exhibition that we had shared with them earlier. This worked out effectively because the students expressed…
The Anne Frank Youth Network (AFYN) is a growing global network built on volunteering, inspired by Anne Frank’s diary and her life-story. All its activities aim to raise awareness, increase active citizenship, foster dialogue and democratic values. We are delighted to announce that, this year, we are helping bring the AFYN to India. In preparation, we…
PeaceWorks - Winner of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Marketplace of Ideas Award 2010.
36C, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Calcutta 700025
- +91 33 24750068