Category Archives: Peace Festival

Peace Festival 2008—Theatre Workshop

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A Report on the Theatre Workshop The English theatre workshop was conducted by the theatre company Tin Can. The setting—the terrace of an apartment building, was perfect because it provided a ready audience, albeit very few. This included a little girl who kept asking ‘What name?’ from her balcony in the opposite building. The rest…

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Peace Festival 2008—Photography Workshop

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Photography Workshop… When I decided to attend the photography workshop I kept wondering what would be the outcome. Since it was only a two hour workshop I realized that it would be quite different from other workshops I had attended. When the 4 participants arrived we started the workshop with a brief introduction to photography,…

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Peace Festival 2008—Hindi Theatre Street Performance

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Hindi Theatre Street Performance Day One New Market As soon as we arrived at Simpark in New Market and began setting up the banners and props, the two security guards present came up to us and ordered us to seek permission before performing in that space. The Seagull representative who was with us argued that…

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