History for Peace Conference Edition 2.

The Idea of Belonging

Belonging is a multifaceted concept. It goes beyond mere physical presence or legal status—it involves emotional attachment and a sense of acceptance and validation within a particular community or nation. In the context of India’s diverse landscape, belonging takes on added complexity. What exactly does it mean to feel like one belongs? Is the sense of belonging tied to language, ethnicity, religion, caste, socioeconomic class, or perhaps food habits? And why are we increasingly questioning who truly belongs in India? Has the rise of majoritarianism made it more challenging to define who belongs and who doesn’t?

Furthermore, as societies evolve and undergo demographic shifts—through globalization, urbanization, internal displacements and forced migrations—how does the notion of belonging evolve? What roles do historical narratives, familial ties and personal experiences play? Besides, while we look at history to understand this complex idea, what about those whose overlooked stories do not even belong to our ‘official’ class histories—people who are Adivasi, Dalit, queer and/or differently abled, among others?

As educators shaping young minds, these are some of the urgent anddiverse questions that we will explore in the 8th Annual History for PeaceConference in Calcutta in August 2024.

5, 6 October 2024
Delhi Public School

Bela Bhatia, Swapna Liddle, Priyadarshini Vijaisri, Anwesha Sengupta

Workshop Facilitators:
Sreyasi Chatterjee, Nisha Abdulla

Programme and registration details coming soon

Celebrating 100 years of
K. G. Subramanyan

Anne Frank – A History for Today
was at
Yellow Train School