Sketches Scribbles Drawings

K. G. Subramanyan


334pp, 314 colour illustrations. 1999

ISBN : 9788170461500

Rs  2500.00 (HB)
$50.00 (HB)
£35.00 (HB)

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Includes his early sketches from 1968, the black and white drawings for his reverse paintings from 1980, his China, Japan, London and Oxford sketches, drawings of nature, and figure studies. The volume opens with a thoughtful introduction by K.G. Subramanyan, reflecting on the importance and purpose of such sketches and drawings for an artist, and looking back on his experiences over a long and eminent career. 

K. G. Subramanyan is a veteran artist who has worked with a wide range of media and materials, exhibiting extensively both within and outside the country. A major retrospective of his work was held at the National Gallery of Modern Art, Delhi, in 2003. He has been part of the arts faculty at Baroda and is Professor Emeritus at Kala Bhavan, Santiniketan. His writings on art have been published widely.

