William Fuller
5 x 8.5 inches, 53pp. May 2013
ISBN : 9780857420916
Rs 295.00 (PB)
$15.00 (PB)
£9.50 (PB)
Quorum, the latest book from William Fuller, is a collection of vivid detours and deadpan visions arranged into forty-five sonnet-like poems. Employing an ear 'that hears not what the eye / sees not, in detail,' the poet makes his rounds through a menagerie of abstract persons and personified abstractions, carefully feeding them 'their weight in flowers,' to achieve the idiosyncratic consistency of a world transected by allusive filaments of 'clouds that don’t exist.' Metaphysical wit freezes up the system and then gives it a liquidity. But 'there’s a trace of something else that slips in,' which the poet seems at pains to not identify. If it’s not quite song, neither is it simply irony, nor is it a desire to exceed these, although all are required to make a quorum.
'Fuller’s work is engaging on a deep level like only the great works are. [D]efinitely one of the best books that I have come across lately and is one that should be on any reader’s shelf.'—William Allegrezza on Watchword
William Fuller is the author of six books of poetry including Hallucination (2011), Watchword (2006) and Sadly (2003), as well as numerous chapbooks. He lives outside Chicago.
Seagull World Literature