Dr Suzana Milevska is a Lecturer in Visual Culture at the Research Centre in Gender Studies ' Euro-Balkan' in Skopje. She is a recipient of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grant (2004) and P. Getty Curatorial Research fellowship (2001). Her publications include Hesitations, or About Political and Cultural Territories in Cultural Territories, ed. Barbara Steiner, Julia Schafer and Ilina Koralova; Macedonian Art Stories in East Art Map (London: Afterall Books, 2006) and Is Balkan Art History Global in Is Art History Global?, ed. James Elkins.
Suzana Milevska, Swapan Chakravorty, Tani E. Barlow
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Susan Seizer, Suzana Milevska, Swapan Chakravorty, Tani E. Barlow
Rs 395.00 (PB)
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Design: Meena Megha Malhotra. Developed by Lnsel